Bachelor thesis proofreading? Term paper proofreading?
Meticulous proofreading, but at a reasonable price? We got you.
1,90 € per standard page
Proofreading + Revision
One standard page corresponds to 1800 characters including spaces. That is 250 - 300 words.
Das volle Programm
In Proofreading + Revision, we check for a whole range of criteria that can affect the readability.
Proofreading + Revision
5 days or 48h delivery
4,40 € - 6,20 € per standard page
- American English / British English
- Spelling / Orthography
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Express delivery 48 hours possible
- Sentence structure (Syntax)
- Style
- Repetitions
- Expression
- Consistency
- Transitions
- Congruence
- Composition
- Express delivery 48 hours possible